Father’s Day OA Junk Journal

I created a junk journal for my dad. It is a way for him to navigate his Old Age experiences should he wish to do so. I have included pages to encourage his ideas, his thoughts, and his opinions as well as spots for advice from other resources. It has been customized to reflect his own personal journey through this difficult time in his life. Some topics are meant to lovingly tease and are sprinkled with humor. Other subjects are on point. But all of them are meaningful.

Dad’s life is full of hidden gems. Some of them we have heard about. Others should be written down, so we never forget them. Journaling can be a healthy way to express yourself. Even find yourself. When you are “all talked out” and feel people have stopped listening, journaling allows you to look inward or to simply vent. It’s my wish that Dad will use his OA journal as needed. It is a keepsake to be shared, gifted, passed down or kept private. Perhaps Dad will leave it behind for our family to treasure.