Monthly Archives: July 2021

Moms & Kittens!

To preface this post, many of the kittens featured here did not survive. We are always devastated when that happens, but it is sadly a part of rescue. We do our very best, but things do not always work out. The only way I can live with this is to…

Monkeydo’s Journey (2007 – 2021)

The Diagnosis – Monkeydo was so healthy until he wasn’t. In February 2018, at 11 years old, he began to vomit green. Often. Months earlier, Monkey would leave a deposit outside my bathroom door, hard and dry. I believe he was sending me a message even then that…

Dad’s Father’s Day Card

This year, my heart said, “Not another Papyrus card,” although their designs are pretty wonderful. Since I have started dabbling in handmade cards, I wanted to give that a try. The worst that could happen was that it would be an epic fail, and I would buy a…